A long day today, each day when you comes to work, you have no idea what the assignment and how many products you have to enter the information from invoices and print the labels before you begin to pull the products from carts. Once it is done, you pack it in box(es) and then you close it with tapes and affix the labels.

I went through the total of 14 carts filled with pet products also two pallets that has to be completed by 4:30, but it was done at 5:45 p.m. tonight.

I have previously talked to my supervisor about the heavy load on Tuesday and Wednesday, I know the U.P.S. driver has a good hearts to understand the difficulties. And my supervisor on the other hand wouldn't let me comes in a hour early to get the job done by 4:30 p.m.

I thanked the U.P.S. driver for the understanding and I can't afford to see him possible losing his job, because his supervisor has some deadline for all U.P.S. driver to return the truck for unloading the loads of pallets. Yes, there are deadline and I cannot afford for another problems.

I was on the way home, the police cars, fire trucks and a ambulance raced down the road. I firgure something has happened. But don't know.

I stopped at the gas station and there was pugent smell like human waste coming out the sewer, but, it is coming from open field behind the gas station. 

That is not it, I happened to walk around the mailboxes post, I noticed, not touched, someone opened the envelope which is not their, just the resident of the address. This reminded me, that opening someone else's mail is a federal offense.
